Default Username and Password

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Revision as of 07:53, 25 August 2009 by Ripsu (Talk | contribs) (How to determine your default password)

Evergreen account.jpg

All active students automatically receive a login to If you have been admitted to the college, you will be automatically given a login and password that will give you access to key resources during your tenure at Evergreen. To determine your Evergreen login name and default password use the following example below. Be sure to use the exact name and birth date you provided to the college when you enrolled.

How to determine your student login name

  1. Take the first 3 letters of your last name
  2. add the first 3 letters of your first name
  3. add the 2 digit day of the month you were born
Example: Ima Greener was born on December 01, 1981. Her login name is: greima01

How to determine your default password

  1. Take the 2 digit day of the month you were born in
  2. add the first three characters of the month you were born in (all lower case)
  3. add the last 2 digits of the year you were born in
Example: Ima Greener was born on December 01, 1981. Her default password is 01dec81

Note: Do not need to include the "" when logging in. If this is the first time visiting, in order to activate your account, you will be asked for additional information as well as be required to change your default password for your protection.

Need More Help?

For additional help with this process, check out the Login Troubleshooting page for additional troubleshooting steps in getting logged in. You can also call the Computer Center Help Desk at 360-867-6227 or check out all the additional help pages for Evergreen Login by clicking the link below.