Exporting - Dragonframe

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Revision as of 12:25, 16 October 2014 by Krusea (Talk | contribs) (Output)

Go to File > Export Movie


  1. Set Source to High-resolution JPG/TIFF
  2. Set Exposure to X1
  3. Set Frame Rate to the desired playback speed:
    • 1's = 30 fps
    • 2's = 15 fps
    • 3's = 10 fps


In the Transformation section adjust the crop aspect ratio to match your project settings.

  1. Check Crop to aspect ratio and set to 16:9 or 4x3 based on what you shot at.
  2. Uncheck Use pushing mask.
  3. Check Rotate/mirror to match animation window
  4. In the Scale section set px to
    • 4:3 = 1024 x 768
    • 16:9 = 1920 x 1080
  5. Check Keep proportions


  1. For Movie Typeselect
    • mp4 (H.264/AAC) for uploading to the web.
    • Quicktime Prores 422 (lt) for use in editing software.
    • Set the Quality slider to high if it is available.
  2. Check Convert frame rate in output
  3. Set the frame rate to 30
  4. Uncheck Open movie when finished.
  5. Click Export
  6. Name the file descriptively and choose to save into your folder with your original Dragonframe materials
  7. Open the exported file into Quicktime.