Thesis Formatting for MES

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Revision as of 16:12, 28 April 2009 by Rip (Talk | contribs)

The following (and associated pages) have been compiled as technical resources that might be helpful for MES students in building and formatting their thesis. These guidelines are based on the MES Thesis Handbook and suggestions from former students. This assumes Microsoft Word 2003 is being used, other versions may vary. For those who wish to compose alternative solutions or solutions using different editors (such as open office), please feel free to contribute!

Quick Tips

Preformat your document before you start

The guidelines for formatting your document are laid out. Take the time before you begin assembling your thesis to format a blank document with all the necessary components, sections, pagination, etc.. Life will be easier if you set it up right ahead of time.

Don't copy and paste from word

Word is famous for transferring formatting from one document to another. If you copy from a document that has preformatted components (margins, spacing, fonts, etc..) this will then crash into the formatting of your current doc creating a mess of formatting junk which can often be extremely hard to recover. Best rule of thumb; Copy text into a text editor (notepad, textmate, etc..) that will strip out the formatting and then paste this straight text into your document.

Excel chart gotchas

Excel and Word play nicely together but beware when pasting excel spreadsheets and graphs into Word that you do it right.

Do tabs right

Although you can set tabs on the fly and to specific paragraphs, if you have sections which have consistent tab requirements, it pays to set these first before you start adding content. By using the format>tab feature at the beginning of each section, you can set appropriate (and consistent) tab stops for each section.

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