Viewed Theme Setup - WordPress

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Revision as of 15:56, 12 June 2013 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

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Set your permalinks
Add a new gallery
Add a new photo post
Set your featured image
Set the home page featured content

Please see the demonstration site for the Viewed theme

To get your WordPress site up and running with the Viewed Theme, from your site's dashboard:

Activate theme and dependent plugins

  1. Activate theme: Appearance > Themes > Viewed and click Activate
  2. Activate plugin: Plugins > Options Framework and click Activate

Configure permalinks

  1. Go Settings > Permalinks
  2. Choose Post name and hit Save changes

Create an image gallery for the front page of site

Create a gallery

  1. Go Photos > Galleries
  2. Add a new gallery by entering a Name and clicking Add New Gallery

Add Photo Posts to your Gallery

  1. Go Photos > Add New
  2. Title your post
  3. Choose a gallery to assign the photo to
  4. Click Set the featured image - this is where you will upload your image or choose from an image already uploaded to your media folder
    • Add Media file from your computer
    • Add a title for the image
    • Click Use as featured image and close out window
  5. Publish your post

Configure theme to display gallery on front page

  1. Go Appearance > Theme options > Featured Content
  2. Choose the Image Gallery you'd like to feature on the front page
  3. Click Save Options

Set widgets at top of page

  1. Go Appearance > Widgets
  2. drag and drop available widgets into (to add) and away from (to remove) the Header Widget Area