Adium Chat Client for Mac OSX

From Help Wiki
Figure 1

Adium Setup

Add a new Account

  1. Download and install Adium
  2. Launch Adium and add a jabber account by going File > Add Account > Jabber (or XMPP)
  3. Enter your JabberID = Figure 1
  4. Enter your password = your evergreen password
  5. Click OK. Do NOT click Register new Account
  6. You may need to click Continue to verify the identity of You may also get a pop-up error that says Zero-Byte. No big deal, just click OK and move on

Update your chat profile/picture

  1. Go Adium > Preferences
  2. Choose Personal to set the icon or photo and your personal handle. By default your handle will be your first and last name

Add a contact (to see profile pictures)

  1. Go Contact > Add Contact
  2. Enter the users Jabber ID (their evergreen email address)
  3. Assign them to a group (you may want to create a new group called Evergreen and add them to that)
  4. Click Add
  5. A message will go out over chat requesting that the user authorize the request to be added to contacts. This is just like friending someone on Facebook.
  6. Once the request has been authorized you will be able to see when this person is connected to chat and you will be able to see their profile picture.

Still having problems connecting?

  1. Check all of the above instructions to verify you have configured your chat client properly
  2. Get help from the Computer Center (360) 867-6227, or email us.
  3. A small percentage of Comcast users may encounter issues with Comcast’s DNS servers.If you are a Comcast user and are still unable to connect:
    • Connecting through a router? Try connecting directly to your modem instead and see if you are able to connect.
    • If this works you can choose to do bypass your router when you need to chat or if you want to continue to use your router follow the next step to change your local DNS.
    • Change your network settings to point to Google's DNS server instead of Comcast. Follow closely the instructions located here. After applying this fix, delete your Evergreen account from Adium, recreate your account, and restart Adium.

Academic Program Group Chat

Join an academic program chatroom

Once you've created an account you can join an existing group chat