Copy Activities from a Prior Term - Schedule Evergreen
From Help Wiki
Copy previous activities such as lectures, workshops, and more, from your own and others' past offerings to your current and upcoming offerings.
How to copy activities from a prior offering:
- Start at your Schedule Evergreen home page and click on the "Class Schedules" button in the menu at left to access your list of offerings.
- From the list, click on the title of the offering you would like to copy activities to.
- At the offering's schedule page, click on the "Copy from prior term" button at right to open the selection window.
- At the "From Term" drop-down, select the desired term and year.
- In the "Offering Title" field, select/enter the name/title keywords of the program or course you would like to copy activities from.
- Click on the "Next" button at lower right.
- At the page listing the past offering's activities, click on the boxes at left to select the activities to copy over.
- Click on the "Next" button at lower right to save.