[hide]Camera Setup
- Format the memory card before recording.
Canon DSLR
- Use only the T2i model camera or higher for shooting with the 1920x1080 30 fps setting.
- It is recommended to record a "scratch" audio track as a backup.
- The camera audio is sometimes 1-2 frames out of sync from the video.
Audio Recorder Setup
- Audio Recorder needs to be set to 48kHz sample rate.
- 24 bits is recommended.
- There needs to be an audio and visual sync point at the beginning or end of each clip.
- Use a clapperboard or clap your hands.
- On the clapperboard write the production name, scene, shot, and take.
Head Slate
- Director or AD calls for "quiet on the set" and then for "roll sound".
- The sound engineer will start recording and allow a few seconds of pre-roll before calling out "speed".
- The camera operator will commence recording and call out "speed".
- The AC will be holding the slate that is clearly labeled with scene information in front of the camera and the clapper sticks open. The AC will verbally state the slate information and call "marker" and close the sticks while holding this pose for a few seconds.
Tail Slate
If a slate is not possible at the start of the take it can happen at the end
- After the Director calls "cut" both the sound engineer and camera operator should let the recording continue.
- The AC should complete the slate calls in the reverse order and hold the clapper upside down to signify this is a tail slate.