Self Service - Schedule Evergreen
From Help Wiki
Schedule Evergreen has a function called Self Service where students can schedule time is certain rooms or labs.
- Not all spaces are available in Self Service.
- It is available to a limited amount of spaces.
- Spaces might be added or removed from Self Service based on the needs of the center that controls the space.
- Some spaces might have restrictions on how many hours a space can be scheduled.
- This could be a daily or weekly hour limit.
- In the Schedule Evergreen system we track access and proficiencies with a tag labeled Badges.
- Some spaces might require a proficiency or access badge before before they can be scheduled.
- Just because a space is in Self Service does not mean that it is available for everyone.
Getting to Self Service
- Go to
- Sign in with your Evergreen username and password.
- On the left click Spaces.
- On the right click Self Service
- The Self Service page will load.
- The spaces will be organized by centers.
Select a Space
- Click the link for the space to be scheduled.
- For example Study Rooms
- The Scheduler window will open.
- Select the desired room under the Resource menu.
- For example Lib 3401 - Study
Check Availability
- For Start Time select a Date and a Time.
- Set the Duration.
- Click Check Availability.
- The schedule grid will reload.
- White = Open
- Orange = Reserved
- Grey = Closed
- If the time is available click Schedule.
- If the scheduling is successful there will be a green banner at the top with the space, date and time listed.
- If there is an error there will be a red banner with an error message.
- Errors can be cased by:
- requesting a time that is not available.
- not having the required badges.
- attempting to schedule outside of building hours.
- If there is an error click Cancel.
Scheduling with the schedule grid
- For Start Time select a Date and a Time.
- Click on the grid in the row for the desired space and the column for the desired start time.
- In the new window set the Duration.
- Click Save.
- Click Back to go back to the Self Service page.
Deleting Reservations
- Go to
- Sign in with your Evergreen username and password.
- On the left click My Events.
- Under Current/Upcoming Events click on the link with your name and student work.
- For example Carlos, Wendy (Student Work)
- A list of upcoming and recent reservations will load.
- To delete a time click the delete icon on the right side of the reservation.
- A confirmation window will load.
- Click Yes to cancel the reservation or No to not cancel the reservation.