Technology Request Forms

From Help Wiki
Revision as of 11:20, 3 July 2024 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

Faculty and Staff can use the technology request forms to direct your requests to the right people.

Technology Support

Submit a technology support request for technology support/access requests including systems and phone access requests. Please note: Computer Systems Account Requests must come from an employee's supervisor or a designated proxy.

New Microsoft Team Requests

Microsoft Teams Request - use this form if you need a new Microsoft Team created. If you have additional questions about Teams submit a general Technology Support Request. Learn more about Requesting a Microsoft Team.

Security Account Requests

Submit a security account request for employee Banner security. Please note: Security Account Requests must come from an employee's supervisor or a designated proxy.

Web Team Support/Requests for

Submit a support request to the Web Team for website issues related to
All other website support requests such as WordPress or SharePoint should use the Technology Support request above.