Personal Web Space
To request web space -
Once you have an Evergreen account set up, go to:
It takes up to a day for the process.
Managing your website using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program
Some programs now have built in FTP utilities to let you ship pages and images to your website, but you may want to use a more powerful separate FTP program like Fetch, for Macs: You can apply for the free educational password at
Or WSFTP, for Windows:
The basic information you need to configure any FTP program to communicate with your website is at:
Detailed instructions for setting up Fetch are here.
Direct editing by connecting to a network file share -
If you're on campus, you can also connect to your web directory on the network and just deal with the files directly, as if they were on some other disk drive connected to your machine. See instructions for connecting a Windows machine, and for connecting a Mac.