35mm SLR Camera Proficiency Test
From Help Wiki
Complete the written portion before arriving for your operational proficiency. Good luck!
Proficiency Questions
- Explain what a film’s ISO/ASA number means.
- List the two main reasons for varying the shutter speed.
- Describe how to load the camera.
- How would you set the focus without looking through the viewfinder.
- How can you check to be sure the film is advancing through the camera?
- What are the two indications that you have come to the end of the roll of film?
- Describe how to rewind the film.
- Under what conditions should you always mount the camera on a tripod?
- What weather or environmental conditions might have a detrimental effect on the camera?
- What is the extent of your financial responsibility when checking out equipment from Media Loan?
Operational Proficiency
- Identify all of the camera’s controls.
- Set the ASA to 400.
- Set the shutter speed to 1/60th of a second.
- Load a roll of film into the camera.
- Demonstrate how you would hold the camera to take pictures.
- Mount the camera on a tripod.
- Focus the camera through the viewfinder. Then without using the viewfinder.
- Take a picture and advance the film.
- Remove the camera from the tripod and then rewind the film.
- Demonstrate proper lens cleaning technique.
- Demonstrate how to change lenses on the camera.
- Put camera away and return equipment to Media Loan staff.