Booklet Printing

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Revision as of 11:06, 18 July 2014 by Ac lambda (Talk | contribs)

Before beginning, make sure to get your files into PDF format using Acrobat Pro.

1. Open your PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro. You should leave your file in the order you created it in, and for booklets, it should remain as a Page 1, page 2, page 3, etc. order.

2. At the top, left of the page, click File > Print

3. Within the printer settings, choose:

to print on both sides (front and back)
"Flip on shot edge"/ "short-edge binding"
The "booklet" option checked or chosen > Format Printing Checked

Do not choose "two Pages per sheet" or change the pages per sheet; these settings will do that for you and any other changes may mess up the booklet-printing settings.

Also see: InDesign Printing