Visualizing Microbial Seascapes - GIF from image sequence

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Revision as of 11:23, 4 November 2015 by Krusea (Talk | contribs) (Animated GIFs)


See: Scanning from a Macintosh in the Computer Center

Photoshop interface and navigating an image

  1. Zoom: Cmd +/-
  2. Hand tool: Space Bar (used to move around an image)

Image size and resolution

  1. Image > image Size to see the overall size of your image
  2. Cropping - using the crop tool to remove portions of the image outside of the crop selection
    • You can set the image size to crop to in the properties bar i.e. 100 px (remember the px)
Creating an adjustment layer

Working with Layers

  • Creating new layers
  • Adjustment layers: create a Levels adjustment layer and set your black point

Saving your work

  1. File > Save as. Choose Photoshop as the file format. This will create a uncompressed Photoshop native image file format. It's a good idea to keep an uncompressed copy of your images.
    • We will be using these .psd files to create your animated GIFs
    • Save each image of your sequence followed by a number (i.e., myimage01.psd, myimage02.psd, myimage03.psd, etc.)
  2. Optional - Saving for web: File > Save for Web & Devices
    • Choose the highest quality with the best (smallest) file size. Keep your images under 500K. JPG High Quality is usually a good choice.

Animated GIFs

Once you've created your image sequence, you can use Photoshop to output an animated Gif file.

Open an image sequence

Open an image sequence

  1. From Photoshop go File > Open
  1. Select the first image in the sequence and check the "Image sequence" box
  2. Choose your frame rate from the dialogue box

Output an animated GIF

Set your looping options
    • In Photoshop CS 6 go File > Save for Web and Devices
    • In Photoshop CC 2015 go File > Export Save for Web (Legacy) ...
  1. Choose a GIF flavor from the Preset drop down menu
  2. You should now be able to preview the animation in the lower right
  3. Set your Loop options - once or forever
  4. Click Save and name your animated gif file