Terroir - WordPress + Zotero
From Help Wiki
The following steps work best if you have 2 tabs open in your browser - one open to your WordPress site and another to Zotero.org
Setting up Zotero with an API/Feed
- In another browser tab login into zotero.org and go to the Settings > Feeds/API page
- Click Create new private key
- Give it a description (like ZotPress) so you know what it's being used for
- Accept the defaults and click Save Key
Setting up ZotPress in WordPress
- Login into your WordPress site
- Activate the ZotPress plugin from your Dashboard
- Navigate to your ZotPress settings in your Dashboard and click Next to connect your Zotero Account to your WordPress site
- ZotPress needs to connect to your Zotero account and is going to need to know your:
- Account Type = Group
- API User ID (in our case use your Group's User ID
- from zotero.org - go to your group settings to view group ID in URL
- A private key (the one you created at zotero.org)
- A nickname for the account to make it easy to reference i.e., Group7
- Click the Validate button when you're set
- Choose your default options and click next
Adding citations to site's posts/pages
ZotPress uses a set of shortcodes with parameters to call the plugin and pull filtered content from your Zotero account. To learn how to use these shortcodes:
- Navigate to ZotPress in your Dashboard and go to the Help section and review the shortcodes
Create a bibliography of a collection in WordPress
- Navigate to and Edit your Bibliography page
- Add the shortcode that will display the Zotero references for a site-wide bibliography this could be organized by "Collection", "Tag" or perhaps your entire Zotero account (userid or nickname)
- To create a bibliography by collection use [zotpress collection=""] and enter the Collection ID between the quotes
- To find the Collection ID, in Zotero.org navigate to your Group's Library and select the Collection/folder
- Copy the ID from the URL bar in your browser