APS VariZoom Solo Jib Proficiency Test

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Answers may be found in APS VariZoom Solo Jib Operating Guide. Complete this written portion and bring it with you to your scheduled operational proficiency. Call 867-6253 if you have any questions.

Written Test:

  1. What are some precautions when using the VariZoom Solo Jib?
  2. What can help stabilize the VariZoom Solo Jib?
  3. What should you do to the jib before attaching it to the tripod?
  4. Should the jib start out "arm" heavy or "tail" heavy before it is balanced with a camera?
  5. What is the maximum camera weight the VariZoom Solo Jib can support?
  6. Are the tilt and pan brakes hard- or soft-stops? What does this mean for operation of the jib?
  7. How do you achieve smooth shoots with the jib?
  8. If you check out this kit and it is lost, stolen or damaged, who is 100% responsible for the replacement costs of it?

Operational Test:

  • Identify all equipment included in the VariZoom Solo Jib kit.
  • Demonstrate setting up the tripod.
  • Demonstrate attaching the jib to the tripod.
  • Demonstrate setting the length of the jib.
  • Demonstrate attaching a camera to the camera platform.
  • Demonstrate using counterweights and arm and tail length adjustments to balance the jib with the camera on it.
  • Demonstrate basic crane shots with the jib.