LMS Access Exception Process for Faculty
(Need a TA or program assistant added? Please see this guide, Program Assistants and TAs in Canvas.)
[hide]What is an LMS Access Exception (LAE)?
- When students experience issues or delays with their registration this may impact their ability to engage, or "keep up with," an offering while the issue gets sorted out.
- The LAE is a temporary solution to provide students limited read-access to an offering's Canvas site in the Canvas role of "Observer."
- (If you've tried adding someone as "Student," the add won't stick. Neither faculty or IT staff are able to manually add people as "Student" because the Canvas "Student" role is tied with the auto-enroll system and only works for those who are registered.)
- An LAE must be requested by faculty and used only for students fully intending to enroll to their offering.
How to Request an LMS Access Exception (LAE)
LAE requests should be submitted at help.evergreen.edu, using the subject line “LMS Exception Request."
Information to include in your ticket:
- name of offering and term(s)
- name of student, their Evergreen username/email, and "A" number
- reason the student should be added to your curricular site
Once approved, the student will be added to your Canvas site in the Canvas role of "Observer."
The student will be notified via email that they've been added as an "Observer," and faculty will be cc'ed on the email.
Limitations of the Observer Role
- Students added to Canvas as an LMS Exception/Observer will not appear in the Gradebook.
- An Observer will be able to view Announcements but not participate in Canvas Discussions, submit work to Assignments or take Quizzes.
Canvas guides about the "Observer" role:
Why is there an Exception Process?
Students who are added to a Canvas site who have not yet registered have been confused into thinking their registration is complete. In order to provide a more predictable and understandable process for students, the Academic Division has chosen to implement an LMS exception process.
The Standard/College Enrollment Practice
The Academic Division has determined that students should only have access to resources once they have registered for an offering. Once a student's registration has been completed they will be auto-enrolled into the curricular Canvas site associated with that offering. Students not registered will not be able to access any part of the Canvas site for the offering.