Connect to Orca Students - Windows XP

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Revision as of 07:40, 8 October 2009 by Cc tony01 (Talk | contribs)

On-Campus Access to Orca Students

At you office/personal computer (you want the drive to always be there)
  1. Right Click on the "My Computer" icon from the Start Menu or Desktop
  2. Select "Map Network Drive"
  3. Enter \\\students
  4. Make sure that the "Reconnect at login" check box is checked
  5. Click "Finish"
At a computer in one of the labs (you are only going to use it on this computer once)
  1. Click the Start button and select Run...
  2. Type "\\orca\students" (figure 1)
  3. Click OK.
  4. Double-click on the folder you need (e.g. the first letter of your last name).

Off-Campus Access to Orca Students

Read only

From a web browser go to

Read and write

requires mapping a network drive to

  1. Double click on My Computer
  2. Choose "My Network Places" from the list of Other Places on the left section
  3. Choose "Add a Network Place" from Network Tasks. This begins the Add Network Place Wizard
  4. Click Next
  5. Select "Choose another network location". Click Next
  6. In the space provided, type
  7. You may be prompted for your log in information, if so, provide your evergreen log in.
  8. You will be asked to name the network place. This can be anything you want
  9. The wizard will ask if you wish to open the network place when you choose finish, check or uncheck the box as desired. Click Finish
  10. This will create a new icon in My Network Places that corresponds to the location on Hurricane you just added.
  11. You maybe asked to authenticate (login) as you browse around. If this happens press cancel and you should see your files.