Connect to Orca Research - Windows XP
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Revision as of 07:59, 8 October 2009 by Cc tony01 (Talk | contribs) (moved Connect to Orca Research - Windows to Connect to Orca Research - Windows XP)
On-Campus Access to Orca Research
- At you office/personal computer (you want the drive to always be there)
- Right Click on the "My Computer" icon from the Start Menu or Desktop
- Select "Map Network Drive"
- Enter \\\research
- Make sure that the "Reconnect at login" check box is checked
- Click "Finish"
- At a computer in one of the labs (you are only going to use it on this computer once)
- Click the Start button and select Run...
- Type "\\orca\research" (figure 1)
- Click OK.
- Double-click on the folder you need (e.g. the first letter of your last name).
Off-Campus Access to Orca Research
- Read only
From a web browser go to .
- Read and write
requires mapping a network drive to
- Double click on My Computer
- Choose "My Network Places" from the list of Other Places on the left section
- Choose "Add a Network Place" from Network Tasks. This begins the Add Network Place Wizard
- Click Next
- Select "Choose another network location". Click Next
- In the space provided, type
- You may be prompted for your log in information, if so, provide your evergreen log in.
- You will be asked to name the network place. This can be anything you want
- The wizard will ask if you wish to open the network place when you choose finish, check or uncheck the box as desired. Click Finish
- This will create a new icon in My Network Places that corresponds to the location on Hurricane you just added.
- You maybe asked to authenticate (login) as you browse around. If this happens press cancel and you should see your files.