Canon 6D Proficiency Test

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Written Test

Answers may be found in the Canon 6D Proficiency Guide. Complete this written portion and bring it with you to your scheduled operational proficiency. Call (360) 867-6253 if you have any questions.

  1. Describe at least one method to adjust the three exposure settings: aperture, ISO and shutter speed.
  2. What is the purpose of the depth-of-field preview button?
  3. Where are three places you can view your exposure settings?
  4. What is the difference between the Canon 6D and a Canon Rebel?
  5. How do you activate Live View when taking pictures?
  6. What class of memory card should always be used in the 6D?
  7. Describe how to change a lens.
  8. For what lighting situation is the 6D’s full frame censor advantageous?
  9. How do you set the included GA kit lenses to auto focus? How is this different from APS kit lenses?
  10. Which type of lens mount can you use with the 6D? Which type should you definitely not use?
  11. Describe at least three ways this camera can be permanently damaged.
  12. If your equipment is lost, stolen or damaged who is 100% financially responsible?


To be done during your scheduled proficiency at Media Loan/APS or class workshop.

  1. Identify all the major parts/controls.
  2. Demonstrate how to switch between photo/video mode as well as turn on Live View.
  3. Adjust each of the exposure settings: ISO, aperture, shutter speed, with any method(s).
  4. Change the picture and video resolution/quality.
  5. Activate the Quick menu (Q) and navigate the settings.
  6. Set a custom white balance.
  7. Navigate the different exposure modes.
  8. Navigate through the MENU.
  9. (GA) Detach/Attach the battery grip.
  10. (GA) Set-up the remote
  11. (APS) Set-up the shoulder rig
  12. (APS) Attach an ND filter.