Cintiq Drawing Tablets

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Revision as of 13:30, 22 February 2017 by Burchr27 (Talk | contribs) (Calibrating)

Cintiq Drawing Tablets

  • The Cintiq's are drawing tablets and computer displays in one unit. You can draw right on the image.
  • We have 4 Cintiq tablets
    • 1 is in Video Edit 3 and 3 are in the MML
    • The 3 in the MML are kept behind the lab aide desk.
  • The lab aide can set up and secure the tablet to any computer station.

Connecting the Tablets

  1. Connect the power cable to the HDMI/USB cord. To do this, connect the two ports marked with red dot.
  2. Plug the USB and HDMI into the computer. These inputs can be found on the back of the computer in the editing suites, or on the back of the black cylinder hubs on the computers in the MML.
  3. The last remaining cable will plug into the Cintiq.
  4. Plug the power in and turn on with the silver power button on the lower right corner.

Wacom Tablet System Preference Pane


  1. When the pen touches the tablet, it will ask to "calibrate your pen"
  2. Click Calibrate and the Wacom Tablet System Preference will open.
  3. For Monitor, choose Cintiq 13HD, and click Calibrate
  4. On the tablet follow the directions of the the screen.

Other Tablet Setting

  • You can change other settings as needed.
  • You will need to reset any custom settings each time you log into a computer.

Rocker Ring

  • The round dial on the left of the tablet is called the rocker ring.
  • The top button is undo
  • The left is precision mode.
    • This highlight a rectangle sound the pen and the pen moves at a slower speed.
  • The bottom is the Command key.
  • The right is Display Toggle.
    • Display toggle moves the pen between monitors.
    • Pressing it toggles the pen to be active on the 2 computer display and the tablet.

Displays System Preferences

  • The arrangement of the 2 computer displays and the tablet can be changed form the Displays pane in the System Preferences.
  • Go to the Apple icon in the top left corner of the display and choose System Preferences.
  • Click Displays in the second row.
  • Click the Arrangement tab.
  • There are 3 rectangles, one for each monitor.
  • Clicking on a rectangle will cause a red border to appear on the corresponding monitor.
  • Click an drag a rectangle to reposition the displays.
  • The arrangement of these rectangles will determine how the mouse flows betweens monitors.
  • Usually, it's best to arrange the Cintiq's rectangle underneath the computer's monitors, but you can choose whatever arrangement works best for you.