Mediaworks - Premiere Pro Exporting

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Revision as of 15:25, 26 May 2015 by Krusea (Talk | contribs) (Exporting)


Adobe Media Encoder allows you to export multiple versions of the same sequence and it allows you to keep working in Premiere while export is encoding.

  1. Click in the Timeline of the sequence you want to export.
  2. Go to File > Export > Media....
  3. In the bottom left choose what part of the sequence to export.
    1. Entire Sequence: exports the entire sequence.
    2. Sequence In/Out: Exports the are between any in and out points set in the sequence.
    3. Work Area: Exports the Work Area set in the Timeline.
    4. Custom: Exports the area set by the triangles above this setting.
  4. Click the Queue button and Adobe Media Encoder will open.
  5. Drag a preset onto the name of your sequence to add the preset to the Queue.
  6. Click on the blue text in the Output File column to open a dialog box to name your file and choose the location to save to.
  7. Click the Start Queue button (green play button) to start the exporting.