My Evergreen Account Help

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Revision as of 16:17, 2 July 2013 by Houstond (Talk | contribs)

Please use the links on this page to help activate your student account. Still having trouble? Please contact the Academic Computing Help Desk at 360-867-6231 or submit a support ticket.

Login Help

What is my default student login?
  1. Take the first 3 letters of your last name
  2. add the first 3 letters of your first name
  3. add the 2 digit day you were born
Example: Ima Greener was born on December 01, 1981. Her login name is: greima01
What is my default student password?
  1. Take the 2 digit day you were born (the same two numbers that end your login)
  2. add the first three characters of the month you were born in (all lower case)
  3. add the last 2 digits of the year you were born in
Example: Ima Greener - born on December 01, 1981. Her default password is 01dec81
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Login diagram.jpeg

Video: How to Login for the first time