Oral History Recording

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Revision as of 11:33, 22 August 2011 by Zorns (Talk | contribs) (Media Loan Checklist:)

Media Loan Checklist:

  • Make a reservation for equipment, stop by or call (360) 867-6253.
  • Bring your student ID with the current quarter sticker.
  • Test all equipment before leaving Media Loan and checkout extras as a backup.
  • Provide your own fresh batteries. Media Loan does NOT supply them for the recorders.
  • Your checkout should include:
  • Digital Voice Recorder / Marantz Flash Recorder / Zoom Flash Recorder
  • Headphones – mini adapter only
  • Microphone appropriate to your recording situation:
Suggested Media Loan Microphones with Digital Voice Recorders
MOT Stereo Mic Place between two people to get a stereo recording Requires a battery
MOE Omni Lavalier (clip on mic) Good for isolating just the interviewee Clips on shirt- requires a battery
MCP Soundgrabber Useful for placing on table surfaces and picking up surrounding noises Ask for 1/8 “ adapter
Use any other regular mic combined with a Hi-Lo adapter to make it mini connector compatible

Media Loan has SEVERE LATE FINES. Return equipment on time, or call to make a renewal

Recording Checklist:

  1. Make a test recording prior to your scheduled interview to make sure you are comfortable using the recorder. Start with fresh batteries.
  2. Secure a signed talent release from the person you’re interviewing. Be sure to include in the wording of the release possible college archival use.
  3. Pick your recording location carefully! The quality of the recording is directly affected by location. Avoid noisy public locations (like restaurants, or areas near a road). If possible, eliminate background noises (turn off stereos, TV’s, fans, air circulation vents). A room with carpeting and furniture will typically sound better than one with hard floors (too much echo). Remember, what you hear in the headphones is what is being recorded.
  4.  Slate each recording session Slating involves recording the date, time, location, your name, and the name of your interviewee. This is especially important for proper archiving and cataloguing of oral history work.
  5. Check record levels. Improve the quality of your recording by adjusting external mic placement either closer, or further away from the source and watch the level meters to confirm if the recording is going to be loud enough that the content is audible, while still not being too loud so that it is distorted (going into the red). Always wear headphones to monitor sound quality, and remember, what you hear is what you get. Shock mounts and stands are also great.
  6. Confirm you are actually recording by watching the record light come on, and seeing recording numbers rolling past zero with audio levels moving up and down.

Steps for Saving Interview Files:

  1. Save your original audio files from the recorder in your Program networked drive (you’ll receive specific instructions from faculty), creating a personal folder named with your first and last name. DO NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN FILE NAMES (‘!#$*&%).
  2. When working with files in a program like Audacity, make a copy of your originals to be able to revert to the original if needed.