Talk:Printing Booklets (Mac) - InDesign
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Revision as of 11:35, 16 May 2013 by Greenea (Talk | contribs) (Greenea moved page Talk:Printing Booklets (Mac)- InDesign to Talk:Printing Booklets (Mac) - InDesign)
Anyone know how to set it up printing on a PC???? I can't find the option to set the binding to 'short edge'. Cc tony01 23:37, 7 May 2009 (PDT)
In windows it's called the following: print on both sides = Yes, flip up Greenea 15:55, 8 May 2009 (PDT)
Thanks, by the way what happened to that sweet pdf with the booklet instructions? Did it become outdated? Cc tony01 22:29, 12 May 2010 (UTC)