Time Converter in the Leave System

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Revision as of 14:56, 29 September 2016 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

The Time Converter feature is a helpful tool when submitting partial hours of leave and/or using priority leave balances.

When and how to use the Time Converter Feature


The following are examples of priority leave balances and rules related to them:

Suspended Operations Leave – needs to be used prior to using compensatory time and vacation leave - except if the employee is using vacation leave for domestic violence leave or if it would result in loss of vacation leave due to the 240-hour vacation leave maximum.
Compensatory time leave – needs to be used prior to using vacation leave - except if the employee is using vacation leave for domestic violence leave or if it would result in the loss of vacation leave due to the 240-hour vacation leave maximum.
An employee who is approved for Shared Leave needs to use any other paid leave balances prior to using shared leave. 

The system will display a warning notification if you submit leave when you have priority balances.



The employee has 4.59 hours compensatory time which needs to be used prior to vacation leave. Enter the 4.59 hours into the Hours field of the Time Converter and the decimal hours will show the hour and minutes conversation = 4 hours, 35 minutes. It also will display an End Time based on your current schedule on file.


NOTE: This end time does not reflect unpaid lunch breaks. When entering the end time in the leave request section, you may need to add 0.5 or 1.0 hours, depending on the duration of your lunch break. Examples: • 0.5 hours (30 minutes lunch break) you would enter a 12:35 PM End Time when requesting your leave • 1.0 hours (60 minutes lunch break) you would enter a 01:05 PM End Time when requesting your leave