Twitter Feed - WordPress

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Revision as of 12:44, 5 December 2013 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

To add a feed of your Twitter tweets to your WordPress sidebar does not require activation of any additional plugin. Instead, use Twitter’s generated Widgets and then paste that embed code into your WordPress Text Widget.

Example Twitter feed

To generate a Twitter widget

  1. Login to your Twitter account and choose Settings
  2. Select Widgets from the sidebar
  3. Click “Create new”
  4. Configure your widget (based on username or search hashtag, theme, height, etc.)
  5. Click Create widget
  6. Copy the embed copy

In your WordPress site

  1. Login to your dashboard
  2. Go to Appearance > Widgets
  3. Drag the Text Widget over to the sidebar area you want to use
  4. Paste the Twitter embed code