A Sense of Wonder - Resizing Images
From Help Wiki
[hide]Best Practices
- Start Big: larger image files (both in file size and in overal number of pixels) provide you with higher quality images. You can always scale the image down but you can't scale it up.
- Keep your original: These images are typically your highest quality image and you may need to go back to them from time to time.
- File naming is important: Come up with a naming convention that helps you quickly identify the image without having to open it. Names should include descriptive info, version, size, or intended use.
- Example: Rainier_sunrise_1200_BW.psd - this file name identifies the subject of the photo, the image size (typically its width) and any processing that has been performed - this one is a black and white version, and its file format is a Photoshop document.
- Save image(s) to the hard drive, to a pictures folder or the desktop, rather than working from a flashdrive, DVD or CD.
Using Microsoft Word's "Reduce File Size" option
Word provides an option for reducing the size of an entire document by compressing any images that are within the file.
- After you have completed your document that contains images, go to File > Reduce File Size… > Picture Quality
- A drop-down menu appears which provides options for optimizing (re-sizing) your document for various uses.
For Windows Users: Paint
- Click on the File drop-down menu (first tab at top, to left of the Home tab) > scroll down and click on Open.
- If image appears too large or is extending beyond the viewing window, go to the slider bar in the lower right corner to zoom in or out.
- Under the Home tab, go to the Image block > Resize > opens dialog box Resize and Skew
- Resize is the top box. Here you can change the size of an image by Percentage or Pixels.
- Make selection, enter changes, and click OK.
- Click back on the File drop-down menu tab.
- To check the size of the image scroll down and click on Properties
- When satisfied with your changes, go to the File tab > Save as > select JPEG and rename appropriately for clear identification as a resized copy from the original.
- Click Save.
- For illustrated instructions, see the top link below under Additional Resources
For Mac Users: Preview
- Open the image in Preview > go to Tools > Adjust Size… to access a dialog box with various options for sizing and/or resampling an image.
- Make sure to have both the Scale proportionally and Resample image boxes checked.
- Using the Fit into drop-down menu, you may customize the size of your image or select a preset size.
- The Resulting size box automatically calculates the change in sizing/resampling.
- Go to File > Save to save the revised image and change the name as needed.
- Navigate to the folder containing all of the images you would like to resize as a batch. (Be sure theses are copies and not your originals.)
- Highlight all photos, double-click to open in Preview, or right-click and choose Open With Preview.
- Go to Edit > Select All (or shortcut: command + a)
- Go to Tools > Adjust Size....
- Enter or select the desired size you would like applied to all the photos and click OK.
- Go to File and choose Save All (or equivalent save option for the version of Mac OS you are using).