Mediaworks 2021 - Premiere Pro Exporting

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To share a rough cut or final edit you need to export the project to a video file.

It is easier to browse and use presets when exporting via Media Ecoder

Exporting with Adobe Media Encoder

Adobe Media Encoder allows you to export multiple versions of the same sequence and it allows you to keep working in Premiere while export is encoding.

  1. To use Adobe Media Encoder first follow the steps above.
  2. Click the Queue button and Adobe Media Encoder will open.
  3. Drag a preset onto the name of your sequence to add the preset to the Queue.
  4. Click the Start Queue button (green play button in the top right) to start the exporting.

Exporting ProRes

Windows Computers

  • Windows computers can playback ProRes in Premiere and export ProRes video from Premiere Pro and Media Encoder
  • The file will not playback on the Windows video player.
  • After exporting a ProRes video import into a Premiere Pro project to watch the clip.

Exporting H.264

  • Broadcast > H.264 > High Quality 1080p HD
  • Broadcast > H.264 > Match Source - High Bitrate
  • Web Video > Social Media > YouTube > 1080p Full HD

Editing Media Encoder Presets

  1. Drag a preset onto the name of your sequence to add the preset to the Queue.
  2. Click the Preset name in the Queue.
  3. Edit the parameters as needed
  4. Click OK
  5. The preset name in the Queue should now be Custom.