Sony PD-150/170 3CCD Mini DVCAM Camcorder Proficiency Test

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Written Test

Answers may be found in the Sony PD-150/170 3CCD Mini DVCAM Camcorder Operating Guide. Complete this written portion and bring it with you to your scheduled operational proficiency. Call 867-6253 if you have any questions.

  1. What general precautions should you observe when using the PD150/170?
  2. List the steps in providing battery power to the camera.
  3. How long should you charge a battery? How long will it last?
  4. List the steps involved in using the AC adapter to provide power to the camera.
  5. List the steps to insert a cassette.
  6. List the steps in displaying the menu and selecting an item.
  7. What are two ways of adjusting the white balance?
  8. What does the ND filter do?
  9. List the steps to adjust the iris/shutter speed.
  10. List the steps to do an overlap.
  11. What is one reason why the digital zoom will not work?
  12. How do you turn on/off the steadyshot feature?
  13. What is the extent of your financial responsibility when you have checked out the camcorder?

Operational Proficiency

To be done during your scheduled Appointment

  • Remove the PD150/170 from the case and identify all controls and parts.
  • Correctly and securely set up the PD150/170 to a tripod.
  • Attach the PD150/170 to its AC adaptor and a monitor.
  • Load a Mini-DV tape.
  • Set and describe the white balances, auto exposure, re-frame, and interval recording.
  • Change the iris/shutter settings.
  • Manually focus the camera.
  • Set up an external mic and plug in headphones. Set the manual Rec Level. Set level.
  • Starting at the beginning of a tape, do some recording. Fade up from black and fade to black. Playback the recording.
  • Set up a battery to be charged.
  • Correctly pack the camera back into its case.