Telephone Policies

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This article pertains to our legacy PBX phone system that is being replaced by Teams Phone.

The Telecommunications Office of Computing and Communications administers all telephone. This includes processing requests for installation of new equipment, all billings, removal of equipment, changes of location, reporting service problems, pagers and cellular services.

The college utilizes the service of a private branch telephone exchange system (PBX) owned by the college. All campus extensions can be dialed directly by dialing 867+the 4 digit extension number. Calls to the main campus number 867-6000 are processed immediately if the caller knows extension number. Campus operator assistance is available if needed by remaining on the line.

Outgoing calls on and off campus are handled directly without operator assistance.

Service Requests

Requests for telephone installations, adds, moves, changes, cellular phones and pagers must be submitted to Richard Schneider in the Telecommunications Office or with the online Service Request form. Call extension 6417 and follow up with a written request.


The Telecommunications Office receives telephone bills from the Department of Information Services (DIS), US West (trunks), and various other vendors for 800 numbers, cellular, and pager services. The PBX provides monthly detail by account, extension, person, and costs. The costs of long distance calls are recharged to the specific user through his or her unit. Equipment costs are recharged to non-funded state activities.

Reporting Telephone Trouble

All telephone problems should be reported to Richard Schneider in the Telecommunications Office, extension 6417 or with the online Problem Report form.

Long Distance Calls

  • The college is charged for SCAN (State Controlled Area Network) service on a per minute use basis. The rate is substantially reduced from the direct dial rate.
  • Monthly long-distance detailed bills will be forwarded and monitored by account unit heads. If personal calls are detected, reimbursement of call charges plus a $10 administrative fee per billing cycle must be paid to the college cashier. A copy of the cash receipt is forwarded to the account affected and to the Telecommunications Office for post audit follow up.
  • Long distance capability will be removed from telephones if there is evidence of continued use of

college phones for personal business.

  • The SCAN network provides long distance. Dial 8 to access the system, then the area code and

number. The distance of the zone from the state of Washington determines the cost per minute.

  • International calls - 8 + 011 + country and city code - are recharged at $1.55 per minute.

Personal Calls

When using campus telecommunications resources, you are bound by applicable state and federal laws as well as College policies. What this means is that you must use resources responsibly and respectfully.

Personal long distance calls must be placed through a commercial long distance operator by dialing 8, then 0 (zero) and providing your credit card information, or by following the instructions on a pre-paid calling card (these can be purchased at the bookstore in the CAB). Pay telephones are located throughout the campus for personal use.

Call accounting information for all campus phones is collected by our billing system and distributed monthly to department supervisors whose budget will be billed for the calls. If you make a personal long distance call from your campus phone, you will be required to pay for the call as well as a $10 collection fee as required by the State of Washington.

Evergreen's Appropriate use policy:


Collect Calls

Collect calls are not to be accepted without prior approval of the Telecommunications Manager at extension 6417 or the Director of Computing and Communications at extension 6238.

Student Residence Phones

Telephone service for occupants of college housing is provided by Qwest upon the request of the resident. All costs for service, including long distance charges, will be billed directly to the resident.


As a general policy, the college does not approve requests for service or equipment over and above the normal required service standard. Where possible, the following telephone equipment criteria will be followed:

  • Single line and instrument;
  • Multi-line instruments for joint secretarial support for answering shared lines, and busy traffic areas;
  • Special equipment needs such as data lines and alarm circuits are all judged individually with all costs recharged to the requesting units ORG number;
  • Telephone wires will be run inside walls and installed in conduit.

QWEST Worldcard Calling Cards

Long distance dialing from off campus can be charged to accounts through the use of QWEST Worldcard. Ordering information may be obtained through the Telecommunications Admin Office, extension 6232.

Emergency Communication Center

A twenty-four hour emergency communications center is located in Seminar 2154 in Police Services dispatch. This center assists incoming calls to the college, monitors all emergency alarm systems, and provides dispatch service for Police Services. For emergency business and building maintenance assistance after 5:00 p.m., please call extension 6140.

Voice Messages

Campus PBX telephone services includes a voice mail system that allows individuals an opportunity to communicate with people on and off campus 24 hours a day. By using the telephone keypad and receiver, one can listen to, record, edit, and send messages. Messages and announcements may be received and changed from off campus. For more information, call extension 6417.

System Broadcast Messages

Requests for all campus broadcast messages including proposed script must be submitted in writing and signed by a vice president or the president to the Telecommunications office in advance. Non emergency messages will be time delivered during off peak hours in order to avoid system traffic congestion. For more information call extension 6417.

College Provided Wireless Service Usage

Use of these services is limited to business use only. Personal use of college provided Cellular or paging services is prohibited. Monthly cell phone usage is monitored by account unit heads. If personal calls are detected, reimbursement of call charges plus a $10 administrative fee per billing cycle must be paid to the college cashier. A copy of the cash receipt is forwarded to the account affected and to the Telecommunications Office for post audit follow up