Titles - Premiere Pro
From Help Wiki
- Premiere has a new way of creating Titles.
- The old way of creating titles describe below is now called Legacy Titles
[hide]Creating Titles
- To create a new legacy title go to File > New > Legacy Title ...
- In the New Title dialog the Video Settings should default to match the Project Settings
- Name the title and click OK.
- Click the Roll/Crawl Options button to choose Still, Roll, Crawl Left and Crawl Right.
- Click the New Title Based on Current Title button to duplicate a title.
Duplicating Titles
If a Title is duplicated in the Timeline by option dragging or by copy and paste it, the copy will be tied to the original. If one of the copies is modified they all will be modified.
There needs to be a separate Title clip in the Project panel for each unique Title.
- In the Project panel right-click on a Title and select Duplicate or go to New Title > Based on Current Title
- When the Title Designer panel is open click the New Title Based on Current Title button
Safe Margins
- To enable or disable Safe Margins click horizontal lines to the right of the title name and select or deselect
- Safe Title Margins
- Safe Action Margins
Video Behind Titles
- When a title is being edited but is not yet in the timeline It can be previewed with or without video in the background.
- Click the Show Background Video button in the top of the Title panel to enable or disable the video.
- To change which frame of video is displayed change the timecode value below the button or move the playhead in the Timeline.
- When a title is in the Timeline.
- It it is above another video track the titles will appear over the video track below.
- It it is not above any video tracks the titles will appear over black.
Text Tools
Type Tool
- With the Type Tool just click in the title panel and start typing.
- Use the Selection tool to position the title.
- Use the 'Selection tool to resize the text box.
- This will change the size of the text.
Area Type Tool
- Click and drag in the title panel and to create a text box.
- The text box determines where text will appear.
- Changing the size of the box does not affect the text size.
Text Formatting
In the top of the Title panel and in the Title Properties panel there are text formatting tools.
- Font type
- Bold, underline, italics.
- Font size (in scan lines)
- Kerning
- Left, center, right justification.
In Title Properties the Fill setting determines the color.
- Click the Color box to open the color picker.
- Click the Eyedropper tool and select a color from a frame of video
- The titles color will change as the mouse is moved. Click to set the color.
To add an outline to a title you need to add and Outer Stroke.
A slight back outline can help light text stick out over video.
- In Title Properties go to Strokes - Outer Stroke and click Add.
- Set the Type to Edge.
- Adjust the Size as desired.
- Set FIll Type to Solid
- Set the Color.