Tutorials - Premiere Pro
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Adobe has a variety of tutorials and videos for Premiere Pro. The Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial page has a series of tutorials organized in courses. Below are links to some useful tutorials.
[hide]Intro Videos
- Learn five editing basics in Premiere Pro
- Import footage, create a sequence, add a title, adjust audio levels, and export video
- Get to know the Premiere Pro interface
- Overview of the Premiere Pro interface
- Start your video editing project
- Create a new project, add videos and graphics, and apply transitions.
- Create a new project, add videos and graphics, and apply transitions.
Premiere Pro Get Started Course
- Create a project and import a clip
- Learn basic editing skills
- Includes sample files
- Explore Premiere Pro panels
- Tutorial for the Project and Timeline panels and Source and Program monitors
- Includes sample files
- Learn editing skills
- Learn key editing skills
- Includes sample files
- Work with graphics and titles
- Learn how to work with photos, titles, and graphics
- Includes sample files
- Adjust the timing of your edits
- Editing tips
- Includes sample files
- Change the look of your clips
- Adjust colors with the Lumetri Color panel
- Includes sample files
- Add effects
- Visual effects and transitions
- Includes sample files
- Work with audio
- Record a voice over, adjust volume
- Includes sample files
- Work with your clips
- Audio and video playback tips
- Includes sample files
Import Media Course
- Import media with the browser
- Import media with the Media Browser panel
- Includes sample files
- Import media directly
- Organize and import files
- Includes sample files
- Relink offline clips
- Use the Link Media Dialog
- Includes sample files
- Multi-layered photoshop files
- Import multi-layered Photoshop PSD files
- Includes sample files
- Mixed footage
- Combine multiple footage formats in projects and sequences
- Includes sample files
- Mixed frame rates
- Footage frame rate interpretation settings
- Includes sample files
- Export video in multiple formats
- Options for exporting sequences
- Options for exporting sequences
Create beautiful visual composites course
- Discover Compositing
- Learn important concepts and features for compositing images
- Includes sample files
- Ultra Key
- Chroma Key effect
- Includes sample files
- Precise clip masks
- Use clip-based masks to constrain effects to image regions and to combine clips in a multi-layer sequence
- Includes sample files
- Add a Track Matte key
- Use the Track Matte Key effect to automatically make areas of a clip transparent based on the contents of another clip
- Includes sample files
- Discover Blend Modes
- Learn how to apply blend modes to superimpose clip layers in a sequence
- Includes sample files
Other Topics
- Conform to broadcast standards of volume limits
- Instructions on the Loudness Radar effect
- Ultra Key
- Chroma Key effect
- Includes sample files