Read here for policy violations
[hide]Covid and Health Policies
You need to follow all Evergreen COVID-19 related health and safety policies which could include Thurston county and Washington state policies and mandates.
Evergreen's current COVID-19 policies and news can be found at the Community Ready site
- Currently masks must be worn at all times indoors in shared spaces.
- The various media labs are shared spaces and you must wear a mask even if you are alone.
- No food or drinks allowed in the labs.
- You should eat food outdoors or at the designated areas in the CAB.
General Policies
- No food or drinks of any kind are allowed in the labs.
- Alcohol, drugs, vaping and smoking are not allowed anywhere in the buildings.
- Take care of yourself and remember to take a break once in a while.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Do not delete other peoples' files.
- Do not unplug or remove anything from the space.
- Make sure the door is closed and locked when you leave the lab.
- Do not leave doors propped open if the room will be temporarily unoccupied, even if you are only running to the restroom.
- Only use your scheduled time.
- Return keys and equipment promptly to Media Loan or to the Library Circulation Desk.
- Reports any lab problems by following the Report a problem in a media lab procedure.
- Be courteous and respectful to the other users of the labs and all student employees.
- Follow the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Social Contract
Scheduling and Keys
Follow the scheduling procedures for the labs
- Audio Studio scheduling procedures link????
- Music Tech Lab scheduling procedures link????
- General Access Media labs scheduling procedures link????
- Once a lab is schedule you will need to check out a key from Media Loan
- Media Loan has limited hours.
- You need to plan ahead and schedule time in advance so that you can check out the key from Media Loan.
Buildings Hours
We have labs located in Evans Hall and the Communications Building
- Students can only be in the labs during the building open hours.
Evans Hall Hours
- Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM
- Saturday, Sunday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Communications Building
- Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 10:00 PM
- Friday: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
- Saturday, Sunday: Closed
Lab Access
- Only use your scheduled time.
- Students can only be in the labs during the building open hours.
- You must leave the lab and the building before the building is closed.
- Key fob logs and computer login records will be compared to the scheduled lab times
Evaluation Week
- Labs are not available for production use during evaluation week.
- Building might have reduced hours during Evaluation week.
- Labs are open though 5pm Wednesday of Evaluation week.
- Media Loan only checks out keys for evaluation purposes.
Break Weeks
- Labs are closed during breaks
Summer Quarter
- Lab use is normally limited during the summer.
- Some labs might be closed or only open to specific classes.
Policy Violations
Any violation of our policies can result in a temporary suspension of access.
- You will be contacted by the lab manager
- You will need to meet with them and discuss the situation.
Serious and repeated violations may result in immediate permanent loss of access.
Violations include:
- repeated suspensions,
- equipment altering or intentional damage
- use of space without scheduling
- staying in spaces after building hours
- Not following COVID-19 and other health and safety procedures.
You can request a meeting with the Associate Director of Media Services and a mutually agreed neutral party to discuss problems and their resolutions.