Report a Problem in a Media Lab

From Help Wiki

If you need to report problem with equipment or software in a media lab you can submit a support request to Media Services.

Open a Support Request

  • Open the support request page for Media Services.
  • The page should open in a separate tab

Fill out the request using the steps below

  1. Title: enter the name of the lab or computer and a brief description of the problem.
  2. Summary: enter a more detailed description of the problem.
  3. Customer: Should list your name.
  4. You can upload an attachment or screenshot if needed.
    • For example, a screen shot of an error message from an application.
  5. Click Save


Example 1
  • Title: MML-Wendy. Audacity Crashes
  • Summary: Every time I import an mp3 file into Audacity it crashes.
Example 2
  • Title: MTL 346. No audio in the left near field
  • Summary: When I pan a channel to the left there in no sound from the left near field.

Media Services Support Request