Sound Design for Film 2012 - WordPress

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Revision as of 10:53, 9 August 2012 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

Why a Wordpress site?

Production journal examples:

Create a portfolio

Brainstorm session: what might your journals include?

Getting started

Journaling tips

  • write frequently, at least 2 times per week if not more. Write when impressions are fresh. If you are not near a computer keep a paper journal then type up your notes later.
  • capture the experience of a place/event with images and audio
  • interact what other students' journals. They are going through a similar experience, how are they approaching their journal and the academic challenges of the course?
  • Your site is public. You are publishing your ideas for the world to find and read if they are interested in what you have to say. If you don't want your mother or future employer to read it, then set the privacy settings accordingly.
  • This site won't live forever, it will be deleted once you leave Evergreen but you can take the structure and text with you.

Set up your site

  1. Start with the WordPress Tutorial
  2. Setup Image Galleries

Things to know about your blog