Light Meters Quick Guide
From Help Wiki
Precautionary statements
- Light meters are delicate instruments, handle with care!
- Do not open, take apart, drop or handle roughly!
- Keep the strap around your neck when using the meter.
- Scratches can collect dirt which may slightly reduce light transmissions and affect the meter’s accuracy.
- Do not expose meters to magnetic fields, extreme heat, humidity, leave in a locked car or expose to direct sunlight for periods of time.
- Keep the meter in its case when not in use.
Media Loan Light Meters
Media Loan carries 3 basic types of light meters. Sekonic and Tundra analog meters, and a Sekonic digital meter.
Reflected Light Readings
Reflected Light Readings All of Media Loan’s light meters will read reflected light, which is the light reflected off a subject (see image right). With the Lumigrid accessory, the Sekonic analog meters will measure the light reflected from a scene. The High Slide cannot be used with the Lumigrid accessory for a reflected light reading. Sekonic digital meters and Tundra meters require you to slide the sphere accessory to expose the window below. Use for landscapes and other distant objects.