Group Chat with Teams

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Revision as of 22:16, 5 January 2021 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

Teams can be used for group chats with anyone with an Evergreen account.

  • Group chats can be named
  • Group Chats can be pinned and organized
  • You can chat with anyone with an Evergreen account
    • You do not need to be on a Team with someone to chat with them

Start a Chat

You can include up to 250 people in a group chat (not recommended).

  1. In the Teams app click the Chat icon on the left sidebar
  2. Click New Chat (the pencil icon) at the top of the chat list
  3. Enter the names of the people you want to add to the chat
  4. Click the down arrow at to the far right of the names field
  5. Enter a name for the group chat
  6. Type a message and click Send

Add More People

More people can be added after the chat has started. When new users are added you can select who much of the chat history they can see.

  1. Click the View and add participants icon in the top right of the chat window
  2. Select Add people
  3. Enter the name or email of the new participant.
  4. Select how much of the chat history the new users can see
    • Don't include chat history
    • Include history from the past number of days - (Enter a number)
    • Include all chat history
  5. Click Add

Pin a Chat

Pinning can be used to keep track of chats

  • Pinned chats appear at the top of the chat list
  • Drag the chats to re-order them
  • You can have 15 pinned chats
  1. Select the chat in your chat list
  2. Select More Options (the three horizontal dots)
  3. Select Pin

Adding Files

Participants can add files to a group chat.

Adding file from OneDrive

  1. In the chat click the Attach button (paper clip icon)
  2. Select OneDrive
  3. Find and select the file that you want to add
  4. Type a message if needed
  5. Click the Send button
  • The attached file remains in its original location in your OneDrive
  • The other members of the chat will be given write access to the file

Uploading files from your computer

  1. In the chat click the Attach button (paper clip icon)
  2. Select Upload from my computer
  3. Find and select the file that you want to add and click Open
  4. Type a message if needed
  5. Click the Send button
  • Uploaded files will be added to your OneDrive in a folder called Microsoft Teams Chat Files
  • The other members of the chat will be given write access to the file


  • When new participants are added to a chat they will not have access to the files that were previously added to the chat.
  • Read Microsoft's Sharing Files in Microsoft Teams article for more details on file sharing.