List of GIS Online Web Mapping
From Help Wiki
Here is a list of online web mapping and sites that provide online tools.
Web Mapping
- ACME Mapper
- ESRI ArcGIS Online
- Google Maps
- MapBox
- OpenStreetMap
- Soil Web --Online mapping for USDA-NCSS (SSURGO) soil data.
- USDA Web Soil Survey --Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world.
- Wikimapia
Mapping Tools
- Color Brewer 2.0 --pick a perfect color scheme for maps.
- Free Map Tools --great site with lots of tools, such as radius around a point and save as KML, etc.
- KML Creator --create KML files from csv or Excel {.xls, .xlsx}
- mapsdata KML generator --Convert Excel to KML, CSV to KML, SHP to KML, GPX to KML, KMZ to KML or DXF to KML by dragging and dropping your file.
- Google Spreadsheet Mapper --generate KML files with all advanced features.