Pentax 645Z Medium Format Proficiency Test
From Help Wiki
- Describe how to change the three exposure settings: shutter speed, aperture and ISO with the camera functions/buttons.
- What are some advantages of using a Medium Format camera (versus cropped censors, such as on the Canon Rebel)?
- What is the purpose of the “focus peaking” function and how do you activate it?
- Describe how to set custom white balance.
- What settings can you change with the Four-Way Controller?
- What is the purpose of the diopter? Why would you adjust it, and how?
- How do you change the AF (auto-focus) Area?
- Explain the three types of metering modes the Pentax 645Z.
- What should you do if debris gets on the censor or mirror of this camera?
- If your equipment is lost, stolen or damaged who is 100% financially responsible?
To be done during your scheduled proficiency at Media Loan or class workshop.
- Identify all the major parts and buttons.
- Demonstrate how to attach/change a lens.
- Adjust the shutter speed and ISO.
- Demonstrate two ways to adjust the aperture.
- Navigate through the settings under INFO.
- Set a custom white balance.
- Take a few pictures with at least two different drive modes.
- Take a few pictures with at least two different Custom Image settings.
- Navigate the MENU and format the memory cards.