Eval Conference Sign-up Sheet - WordPress
From Help Wiki
Create a simple sign-up sheet for for Eval Conferences, group creation, potlucks or whatever you may need a sign-up sheet for.
Part 1: Create a Sign-up Sheet
- Activate the Sign-up Sheets plugin
- From the Dashboard, go to Plugins and search or scroll down for Sign-up Sheets
- Click on Activate, and Sign-up Sheets should appear in the Dashboard column at left
- Then from the Dashboard, go to Sign-up Sheets > Add New to create a new sign-up sheet
- For Eval Conferences: each sheet has a date field so you can choose to create a different sheet for each available day of conferences
- OR you can choose to create a single sheet for all days of available conference times
- Enter a Title, such as the title of the Sign-up Sheet.
- Date and Description fields are optional.
- In the Tasks fields:
- Enter each time slot available in the first field
- In the second field, indicate the number of people who can sign up for the slot, such as "1" for an Eval Conference. (If no value is entered, the number defaults to "1" per slot.)
- To add additional time slots, click the green + icon (to the right of "# of People Needed").
- When you are done, click the blue Save button.
Part 2: Add the Sign-up Sheet to a Page
- From the Dashboard, create a new Page by going to Pages > Add New.
- Add the Sign-up Sheet shortcode, [sign_up_sheet], to the Page's main content field.
- In the Publish block, set the Page's Visibility to Private (this will ensure only enrolled students will have access to the Sign-up Sheet) and then click the blue Publish button to save the Page.
- Make the Page available to students via a Menu, linked from a different Page, or linked elsewhere in the site.
- Notify students the Sign-up Sheet is available and where it is located on the site.
- Enrolled students will now be able to access this page and sign-up for an eval conference time slot.
- Once a slot is selected the student's name will occupy the slot and will no longer be available for sign-up.
- Students will also receive a notification email confirming the time slot they chose. The confirmation message includes Faculty's email and indicates Faculty as the contact should students need to change/drop a time slot.
- Students must contact Faculty to have time slots changed or dropped.
How to Setup Multiple Sign-up Sheets
- Each Sign-up Sheet has a unique ID which is available at the Sign-up Sheets index page, under the ID# column at left of the Title column.
- If using more than one sign-up sheet, include IDs in the shortcode using the following format, [sigh_up_sheet id="#"], and insert the ID number between the quotations.
- Provide student access to the Sign-up Sheet Pages for student access include:
- via the Primary Menu as Custom Links
- Or - provide links to the Sign-up Sheet Pages
Create a Page (with visibility set to Private) to serve as the Sign-up Sheets
- OR