Embed Enhanced or Video Podcast - Wordpress

From Help Wiki
Revision as of 16:44, 25 February 2010 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

Activate the Plug In:

  1. Log in to your blog and go to your Dashboard
  2. On the left sidebar click Plugins
  3. In the listing of plugins activate the Quicktime Embed plugin

Embed Into a Post:

  1. Add a new post
  2. At the top of the post next to "Add media:", click the Upload Video icon Addvideo-wordpress.png
  3. In the dialog box select your podcast file to upload (remember no spaces, uppercase, or special characters)
  4. Do not insert into post; instead, copy the provided link URL (i.e. http://blogs.evergreen.edu/myblog/files/2010/02/podcast1.m4a)
  5. Click Save all changes
  6. In your post editing window, use the Quicktime embed plugin syntax provided to add your podcast to your page. Example:
http://blogs.evergreen.edu/myblog/files/2010/02/podcast1.m4a 180 180]

Be sure to include the dimensions at the end as 180 180

For more information on using the Quicktime Embed Plugin, see the plugin site