Enable Panopto in My Canvas Course

From Help Wiki
Revision as of 18:27, 7 January 2022 by Irishb (Talk | contribs)

Faculty, learn how to activate Panopto for your Canvas Course.
  1. Click “Settings” at bottom of the Course Navigation Menu
  2. Select the “Navigation” tab (located about top middle of the page)
    • At the “Navigation” page, there is a top section and a bottom section
    • Generally, areas of Canvas you want to share with students or tools you need to activate go in the top section
  3. Scroll down the list of navigation tabs to locate “Panopto Video”
  4. At the Panopto Video tab, click on the 3 dots at the right end and select "Enable"
  5. Once enabled, you can drag and drop the navigation element to reposition it in the menu - we recommend next to the Zoom link
  6. Important step: When finished, click the blue “Save” button at the bottom left of the page
  7. Select (click on) the new Panopto Video Nav link in your Canvas course to finish activation

See also: Enable Panopto in my Canvas course (Panopto Support at support.panopto.com)