Wiki Login Help

From Help Wiki
Revision as of 10:13, 19 April 2007 by Greenea (Talk | contribs)

How do I log in?

Use your Evergreen login and password. Evergreen's wiki is using Centralized Authentication Serivice or CAS to allow you to use a single login and password across multiple web-based applications. Yeah!

Having problems or are unsure about what your login is? Go to Login Help at the IT Survival Guide.

I know my login but still can't login

Macintosh Safari Users

Safari is sensitive to the number of redirects we're asking of your browser and will invariably send you to an error page saying "Too many redirects" Aarggg! There are two possible solutions to this dilemma:

  1. Use a different browser. Firefox 2 rocks and has built in spell check. If you're a mac user and don't have this browser you're missing out!
  2. OR use your back button after logging in. You have logged in, Safari just doesn't want to redirect you back to the site. Use your back button are reenter the URL, hit refresh and viola - you're logged in using Safari!

Windows Internet Explorer Users

Most likely your IE security settings are set to high. You have 3 options to address this:

  1. Use a different browser. Firefox 2 rocks and has built in spell check.
  2. OR reset IE security to Medium: go Tools> Internet options> Security > Security level Medium
  3. OR after logging in click No at the prompt and use your back button to access the wiki. Once you’re at the wiki site hit the refresh button and you will be logged in.

What are we doing about about this problem?

Currently the only known fix for this is to create an alternative route for logging in (minus the series of redirects). We're working on it and have a plan.