Assignments and Quizzes in Canvas
Use Assignments and Quizzes to challenge students' understanding and assess comprehension by using a variety of media.
Assignments include Quizzes, graded Discussions, and online submissions (i.e. files, images, text, URLs, etc.)

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What are the different Assignment types?
Assignments can be placed within different assignment types: Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, External Tools, and Not Graded.
How do I add Assignment Groups?
Using Assignment Groups allows you to organize the assignments in your course.
How do I add content to my Assignment?
You can add different types of content to Assignments, such as images, videos, documents, and links as part of your assignment description. You can also edit the assignment details.
What are the different online submission types?
Instructors can enable a variety of different online submission types, including file uploads, rich content, website URLs, and media files.
How do I create a peer review assignment?
A peer review assignment enables students to comment and provide feedback to other students in the course.
What is the difference between due dates and availability dates?
In addition to setting a due date for an assignment, instructors can specify a specific date range that students can submit the assignment. These dates are called availability dates.
See also Instructure's videos: "Assignments Overview" and "Assignment Creation"
Quizzes and Surveys
The quiz tool in Canvas is used to create and administer online quizzes and surveys. You can also use quizzes to conduct and moderate exams and assessments, both graded and ungraded.

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What are the different types of Quizzes?
The steps to create quiz content are the same for each quiz type.
How do I create a File Upload question?
You can create a question for students that requires a file upload and can be used for PDFs, images, audio files, video files, etc. This question type requires manual grading.
Once I publish my Quiz, how do I make additional changes?
Changes can be made to a quiz after it has been made available to students - however, students who have already opened or completed the quiz will not see any changes you make.
How do I create a Question Bank?
Question Banks are a place to house questions that can be added to quizzes across courses or accounts.
How do I move multiple questions from one bank to another?
Questions may be moved/copied one at a time or in a batch.
See also Instructure's videos: "Quiz Creation - Settings" and "Quiz Creation - Questions"