Audio Studio Policies
[hide]Audio Support Contact
PHONE: (360)867-5838 --> (from a campus phone, you will only dial "5838")
Audio Support is on campus Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, but may not be immediately reachable during that time; Audio Support is comprised of a subset of Media Services staff members and interns, whose responsibilities often take them away from the phone. Leave us a message and we will get to you as quickly as possible.
Audio Studio Info
The Audio Studios on campus are to be used for academic (credit-generating) work only, and they all require users to pass a proficiency test before they are able to reserve the room independently. Proficiencies for the four (4) Audio Studios are only offered through programs that specifically teach students how to operate these facilities; that means ILC students wishing to use these studios will need to have already passed a proficiency test prior to requesting use of the studios for their ILC.
The four (4) Audio Studios are:
- Audio Lab (Lib 1630)
- Performance & Production Control Room (Com 111a)
- Recital Hall Control Room (Com 212a)
- Advanced Multitrack Studio (Com 118)
Basic Use Policies
- Only use the studios during your scheduled times.
- Log in and out of the logbook at the beginning and end of your sessions.
- The logbook is for non-emergency communication between lab users, staff, and faculty.
- Contact Audio Support or Report a Problem if you encounter disruptive/serious issues.
- Return keys and equipment promptly to Media Loan or to the Library Circulation Desk.
- Do not leave doors propped open if the room will be temporarily unoccupied, even if you are only running to the restroom.
- No open food or drinks in the spaces, and this means no liquids or food anywhere near the consoles/computers/electronics; they stay in your bag, in the hallway, or at a designated food/drink location.
- If you need to throw away perishable food or drinks (things bugs would eat or that can rot, or liquids in general), we encourage users to please refrain from doing so in the tiny waste bins inside the studios; there are always larger, publicly accessible waste bins nearby that get emptied much more regularly. Ants, rats, and stenches are unwelcome.
- Alcohol, drugs, vaping and smoking are not allowed anywhere in the building.
- Please normalize/shut down/clean-up all equipment after your session as per the proficiency test guidelines.
- This always includes: Turning off the computer, powering-down the rack equipment, turning off TV monitors and lights, removing patches from the patchbay, normalizing the mixing console, neatly coiling cables (over/under) and breaking-down mic stands and replacing them to the proper area....and log out of the logbook, please!
- Do not let other people into the studios unless they are the musicians or engineers that you are working with. You are responsible for the actions of others that you allow into the studio spaces.
- If a student has a session after you but "does not have a key," you should not allow them into the facility. Their actions will continue to be your responsibility whether you leave or stay, and you may be penalized for granting them access.
- Do not remove/repatch or modify equipment in the racks. Do not move or change connections to installed equipment, including inputs/outputs of the computer. Each studio has a USB hub for you to connect personal devices to.
- If you feel the need to move/repatch equipment because of a technical issue, please refrain from doing so and, instead, contact Audio Support (contact info at the top of the page).
- If you notice something missing from the space, and the removal is not noted in the logbook, contact Audio Support (contact info at the top of the page).
- Close doors behind you when you leave, and make sure they are actually secured and locked.
Policy Violations
Any violations of studio policies will result in the temporary loss of studio access until you meet with Electronic Media staff and your faculty. Serious violations could result in permanent loss of your access to the Audio Studios; egregious violations such as drug, alcohol and tobacco use in the studios or control rooms and/or damage or theft of equipment will result in immediate and permanent loss of studio access and possibly permanent loss of access to Media Loan services.
Evaluation Week
Studios are not available for production use during evaluation week. Media Loan only checks out keys for evaluation purposes.
Summer Use
During the Summer, access is limited unless there is a specific class using the studios. Scheduling and reservation procedures may be slightly different than during the academic year.