Zoom Cloud Recordings and Panopto
From Help Wiki
- Evergreen does not have enough storage space in the Zoom cloud system to store all of the cloud recordings.
- Since January 2022 all Zoom cloud recordings have been auto-imported into Panopto.
- Zoom cloud recordings get processed by Zoom after the meeting ends.
- Once a meeting is processed by Zoom it will get imported into Panopto.
- Captions
- If the Zoom audio transcript is enabled it will import into Panopto as captions.
- If there is no transcript from Zoom, Panopto will auto-generate captions.
- Zoom chat will import into Panopto.
- Captions
- Panopto only imports video files.
- If you have Record audio-only files enabled in Zoom those files will stay in the Zoom cloud storage.
- Check you Zoom Cloud Recordings settings at https://evergreen.zoom.us/
- Zoom Cloud Recording Settings https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360060316092
File Deletion from Zoom
- Zoom cloud recordings will be deleted within 72 hours after the Panopto import.
- Deleted files are in the Zoom trash for 30 days.
Zoom Meetings Associated with a Canvas Course
- If a Zoom meeting is associated with a Canvas course the cloud recordings will be imported into the Panopto folder for that Canvas course.
- For easy access to the Panopto files you can add Panopto to your course navigation.
Regular Zoom Meetings
- If a Zoom meeting is not associated with a Canvas course it will be imported to the host's Meeting Recordings folder.
- Sign into Panopto at evergreen.hosted.panopto.com
- Click the My Folder button in the top left
- Click the Meeting Recordings folder