About the task we are providing instructions for. What is it? What is the context for using it?
Sub-task heading (optional)
- Navigate to your class list and select "Assign Evaluator"
- Start steps with the verb or action to take
- Keep it brief, this is not a place to get chatty
- Use bold menu steps such as File > Export > Export as PDF
- Use hyperlinks embedded in the steps to take folks to relevant articles but don't over do it
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- Use the a collapsed section for any more than 5 steps
- We want to keep the screen cast above the fold of the page
- Do not put critical info in here as it may not be seen by users
Screencast: step-by-step instructions
Related Articles
- Evaluate a Student - brief description goes here
- Evaluation Templates - brief description goes here
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- This section should be turned into a Eval Help template
- Help link 1 - brief description goes here
- Help link 2 - brief description goes here