PerkinElmer Sprecturm2000 FT-IR (FT-IR-1)
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Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Wikipedia entry
Information Table
- If the computer is turned off, the spectrum software will need to be run; do a 'BkGrd' (background scan) from the home screen. This needs to be done every time the computer is turned back on. This will initialize the instrument and put it into a ready state. The Ready green LED light should be on after the instrument has initialized.
- The [PCI] computer controller board doens't automatically put the instrument into ready mode. Apparently, the ISA controller board does interact with the instrument to initialize it and put it into ready mode.
- The instrument should be left on so the internal heater can keep the inside of the instrument dry. Internal moisture will degrade the salt based piece inside the instrument.
- Need to get software license key.
- Software requires license key.
- Software uses two directories found at the root of the drive: pel_apps & pel_data.
- Software installation requires the 'mapping' or setting of the transputer I/O address. There's a help document at the root of the drive that explains how to do this.
- The instruments controller board has an EPROM with configuration; this configuration file has been saved and is on a floppy as well as being saved on the network share.
- The PC is a candidate to be upgraded, along with upgrading OS to Windows XP; it's likely that the software will not work on Windows 7, but worth testing in vm environment as a quick-and-dirty test. The OS needs to be 32 bit version.
- The CD drive motor is broken.
- Will not boot from USB.