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Evergreen provides a range of technologies for faculty to utilize in their teaching. Below are some of the primary options available to faculty by request via the Academic Resources dashboard.

Help choosing the right tool

Academic technology support is built on the idea that technical staff consult and connect faculty with the appropriate technology to support their teaching. This is accomplished through one-on-one consultation, connecting faculty to appropriate technology resources and resource providers.


A full-featured Learning Management System (LMS) which replaced Moodle (as of May 2014). Canvas offers a full suite of online tools for discussions, providing feedback, rubrics, quizzes, communicating with students, and much more. For an introduction to Canvas basics, self-enroll into our online Orientation for Faculty and/or contact Academic Technologies staff, Bridget Irish, for in-person and faculty-team training. Learn more...


WordPress is a web publishing platform with a focus on ease of use, aesthetics, and web standards. WordPress in the curriculum can be used to create publicly accessible websites including curricular sites, blogs, faculty professional sites and student academic journals. Faculty may also opt to use a public WordPress curricular site in conjunction with a private Canvas site. Learn more...


Zoom is a collaboration tool that provides services such as video and audio conferencing, screen sharing and messaging across devices. Zoom can be used by faculty and staff to provide remote conferencing for their class or department. For more information about accessing Zoom, please see Zoom Video Conferencing.


64px-Mediawiki logo.png
Wikis are most often used when faculty want their students to create an online, collaborative knowledge-base. Evergreen uses the same base install of Mediawiki found at but can be customized to meet your needs. Some faculty have used wikis at Evergreen as a staging ground for student publishing at Wikipedia. Learn more...

Program Fileshares

Orca Program Shares are networked file space accessible only by the faculty and registered students for a particular program. Fileshares can be accessed from both on and off campus. These share folders are cycled and purged every quarter in order to provide sufficient workspace needed to meet curricular needs. Learn more...

Other Websites

Using something else? Let Academic Technologies know, we'd love to link to it and make it easier for your students to locate it. Still using If yes, please contact Academic Technologies so we can assist you in migrating to our newer publishing platforms. Learn more...

Computer Classroom Reservations

Use to reserve a computer classroom in either the Computer Center or CAL. There are 6 classrooms with 25 stations plus a teaching station connected to a projector. See: Computer Labs and Classrooms for a listing of all computer classrooms on campus.

Other favorite tools from Academic Technologies Staff