Archive Found Footage Room
From Help Wiki
The Archive Found Footage Room has a variety of 16mm films that can be used for found footage film projects.
- Access to the room requires the proficiency badge and the quarterly access badge.
- Scheduling can be done at Media Loan, the Multimedia Lab or via Self Service in Schedule Evergreen.
- Read the following articles for more details.
Lab Policies
- Never work in the space when you are not scheduled.
- Never prop the door open if you are taking films to the Film Edit Suites.
- Never leave the projector plugged in when not in use.
- Never let another person into the Archive Room with your key.
- Email for more information.
16mm Film Projector
- There is a 16mm Eiki film projector in the room.
- Unplug the projector when it is not in use.
- Do not use the projector unless you have been trained in its use.
- Sign in and out of the Log Book at the beginning and the end of your scheduled work session.
- Be sure to note any issues in the Log Book.
- Films can be taken to the Films Edit Suites for editing or viewing.
- When you are done watching and editing films from the Archive Found Footage Room, you must rewind and store films in the same condition they were found.
- Please properly reshelve by genre and call number.
- Any Archive Room films that are cut during an edit must be re-spliced if possible.
Evergreen 16mm Film Archive List
- Access the Evergreen 16mm Film Archive List as an Excel file or PDF file
- You can perform a keyword search to look for specific types and categories of films.
- There is also one hard copy of the file in the room.
- This must stay in the Archive Found Footage Room.
- Make sure to read the Notes section of each film to see if is advisable to project or edit.
- Each film has a detailed description of its physical condition.
- The overall condition of each film is separated into four categories: Good, Okay, Poor, and Very Poor.
- When you have found a film or films you would like to view, make sure to write down the call numbers. This will help you find the film you are looking for.
- Films are sorted by genre alphabetically, and then by call number on the racks. There are ten genres, each of them represented by a certain color.
- The color chart is posted in the room.
- Films are stored in cans or in plastic bags.
- The cans and bags are labeled with the film’s title, genre, and call number.
- The film call number corresponds to the call number in the Evergreen 16mm Film Archive List.